Thema: Continuous ‚Everything‘

CIP at scale as a best means of doing agile

Not always noted the agile manifest emphasizes the potential value of processes. Performing a CIP (Continuous Improvement Process, German: KVP) is one of the most important valuable behaviours “on the right side” of the agile manifesto. At the same time CIP is not so easy in practice. Everybody who is regularly part of agile “retros” knows they can be straining. Some of us who hoped for communities of practice to come up with solutions that scale for a whole enterprise had to live with disappointments. The workshop will help to understand the importance and focus CIP by

  • Revisiting the suggested retro structure
  • Comparing the suggestions of the scaled agile frameworks Nexus, LeSS and SAFe in respect to CIP
  • Some insights to having CIP on the bottom level connect to “learning organizations”
  • Practical exercises that use as a online tool for addressing bigger groups to get involved in feedback, suggestions and henceforth CIP.

Try that out, some of these things are easily adopted.

Michael Heller

Micheal Heller ist Senior Berater für agiles Testen bei der imbus AG. Er verantwortet als Product Owner die Beratungsmodule von imbus zum agilen Testen.

Nach dem Studium der Informatik an der Friedrich -Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg sammelte Herr Heller langjährige Erfahrung als Kundenberater und Trainer in der IT. Er war 7 Jahre als Product Owner von Scrum Projekten mit verteilten Entwicklungsstandorten aktiv.

Heute liegen seine Schwerpunkte als Test - und SAFe-Programm-Consultant auf der Prozessberatung für Testmanagement und agile Entwicklungsformen sowie der Einbettung von Test und Qualitätssicherung "at Scale".